Words Tell, Videos Sell
Robert Chesney elegantly demonstrated how “Words tell, videos sell” (source: Rhonda Sher) in his “Marketing Machine Magic: How to Grow Your Business without Selling.” There is no need to advertise if you can get word of mouth or video referrals. Create an “unfair advantage” for your business with video endorsements. Eighty-one percent of your prospects are “checking you out” before doing business with you, and they trust authentic video endorsements more than written ones which can be scripted, contrived, and inauthentic. Video endorsements also offer the opportunity to share stories and how the professional took away the pain, stress, or worry, or prevented them from making a serious mistake, or went above and beyond. The video endorsements can be uploaded to social media, websites, cell phones, and also in signature lines. Robert charges $100 per video endorsement, and the first one is complimentary.
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